Welcome to HideoutTV!

Now that you’re signed up, you can earn rewards as you watch our content. HideoutTV has over 50,000 videos and we add hundreds of videos weekly.

Here’s How It Works

As you watch and enjoy our content, you’ll earn points for every ad between the videos.

Here’s How It Works

Once the display goes green, you’ll be awarded your points. If you’re enjoying the content, keep watching. If you’d rather watch something else, you can skip without losing your points at this stage.

Tip: Longer videos allow you to skip more regularly, while some shorter videos may not be skippable.

How Many Points Will I Earn?

You’ll earn an average of 2.9 points per ad. If multiple ads play during a video, you’ll earn even more.

Tip: We recommend Chrome for the best viewing experience. When watching, please be sure to watch actively to maximize your rewards.

What Can I Redeem For?

Once you’ve accumulated points, you can redeem towards:

  • Linked Partners
  • Gift Cards
  • LootUp for additional options like Paypal and Bitcoin, along with points multipliers

You’ll earn rewards quickly as you watch. If you redeem with gift cards, you only need to earn 900 points to redeem for a $1 Gift Card!

Learn About Our Sister Sites

In addition to Hideout, we also have many sister sites to watch more varied content. You can login with the same details as Hideout on any these sites!

  • Puppybear.tv - Adorable and funny videos of animals, including famous pets like Tucker Buddy!
  • Groovehub.tv - Amazing originals and covers by talented musicians.
  • Jetsetlive.tv - Travel the world with our contributors.
  • Gamersden.tv - Anything and everything gaming related.
  • Cozycrafts.tv - Do-It-Yourself things from our handiest contributors.
  • Lmaoden.tv - Love viral videos? You'll love Popjoy!

Tips to Get Started

Just a few tips, and you are ready to start watching amazing content!

If you are not earning rewards, try one of our sister sites or try again later. Alternatively, you can also earn points for completing offers in our Promo Center.

If the browser seems stuck while you’re watching a video, simply click play on the player and it should resume. Some browsers have autoplay restrictions that can impact your viewing experience once you initially start watching. Don’t worry, these will go away!

Rewards active on this account elsewhere.
This instance of HideoutTV still available for browsing.